Monday, March 10, 2008

Review of Torrent distribution

I was surprised to see that there was still a seed and 4 peers on my "Favorite Things" Torrent when I logged on this morning. I seeded it for the first two days on my 32K /sec upload connection, and then I let it go. At one point I saw 3 seeds and 10 peers. Cool. There are a couple issues with the torrent, one being that trackers aren't accurately seeding the seed-peer count, but I'm sure it's a small detail to figure out.
6 Days after initial seed, I figured there was a chance the torrent would be dead. A lot of torrents don't survive very long, especially ones that contain obscure media, so I'm definitely going to call this experiment a success, and within the next couple months I will start creating torrents for my video DVDs as well. hehe. In 2008 Vostek will spread his seed.

Friday, February 1, 2008

The future of music distribution

So I just excitedly bought my first album from's new digital download music store: L.S.G's 'Into the Deep'- an album i have been hard pressed to find in recent years. But here is the kicker- I bought it for $0.99.
It's a fairly high quality mp3. The only complaint i have is that it is not segmented by track- it is a single continous mp3.
Ever since around 2000 I've been saying that the only way we will be able to reach a new (legal) paradigm in music distribution is by selling albums for around $1. In most cases the artists makes about the same amount of money as in the old paradigm because now there are little to no middlemen along the way taking part of the profit. Everyone wins, the artis sells more copies of their albums, and consumers get 10x the amount of music for their money.
I'm really happy to see this finally happen.

In other news, I've been updating my Internets, but mostly through a livejournal account. I want to transition my posts over to this account so that it has more exposure. Thanks for reading (anybody?)

Friday, January 11, 2008

and on

'08 has been the best ever so far, which is awesome because '07 was the best year so far. For the next 8 days I'm going to be out of town, mostly off the grid, on a work assignment. I had planned on getting my DVD out to the 'net this week, but it looks like it will have to wait until i get back. This week is going to be a nice time for calm reflection and dedicated focus. Cheers!