Monday, August 20, 2007

Power up!

This will probably be my last post before Burning Man; In the next three days it all comes together, and it is feeling great! I'm scheduled to VJ at the Opulent Temple Wednesday for the White party, and Saturday late night. I can only begin to imagine what this experience off the grid will bring, but everything inside of me is foretelling of great things! I just need to keep love close to me, and all will unfold in beauty.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

On the increasing polarization of concsiousness

I've spent the past three days gathering video berries to ultimately be triggered for VJing. The whole process lead me to think about our intentions in interacting with the environment and how we seek out new things. I then related that to the trends in consciousness in our modern culture. The trend is that of a polarization in information consumption. In this day we have the ability to quickly find almost any information that the human race has collected. However, a large segment of our population has not moved into the paradigm of self-paced information consumption. Many people still rely on Television or print media as their main source of information consumption. This is being force-fed. The term 'waking up' that is being used in alternative culture implies to break free of the mass-consumption information streams, to stop being spoon-fed information from sources outside of ones unique intentions, and to actively search for information on an alternate path.
So, what we have now is people who are on the mass consumption path, and the people who are on alternate paths of information consumption, paths that are scouted out by one's own intentions. This polarization is becoming increasingly evident. For instance, a good blogger aquires their content not from the mass sources, but from independently-motivated searching and gathering.
As a society we can now search for any term that interests us and tune into any stream of information in order to create our own unique space of feeling and understanding. The question is, do you take advantage of that ability, and how far down the rabbit hole do you go? Those answers determine the side of the consciousness pole on which you sit.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The wave of consciousness coherence

I dont know how everything is happening, but my actions have been speaking only of love, and so far it is working. In my experience, It is possible to turn any unwanted situation around with a good dose of love, and with love any dream is made possible. Love all as if all are perfect beings.
It is easy for me to say these things right now because I am in love, a chemical reaction that saturates me. Its one of those feeelings that really is inexpressible.
Why is the feeling so powerful right now, after such a strange past few weeks? A week ago I was saying I no longer have a girlfriend. I took days to accept it and be satisfied with that reality, and then it all changed. My heart opened back up, wider than ever. I turned one of the worst situations I could feel into something full of growth and ecstatic moment. Two weeks ago I was convinced the world was going to hell. Now I feel like everything bright is flourishing and working out the way it is meant to be.
In strange days we live. Such a wave of chaotic and synchronic events.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Reminder to myself

I am OK.
The first couple weeks back in town have been dramatic. Once again in this life, I'm needing to look into my source to find comfort, stability, and a sense of direction to keep myself together. So far it has been good for me (tough love), but I have to admit moments when I feel loopy and lost.
I'm still not sure of what to say about where I'm standing other than the general statement that I am standing in the 'now'. I guess things will unfold how they were always supposed. The Universe is in a constant state of settling.
In the meantime, I'm sticking close to my art and the people around me that help sustain the good vibrations. I have a lot of space to feel in a way that is unmitigated. I guess I am overdue for some of that. This is just the beginning. The time that lies before me is a sea of potential waiting to be manifest.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Yoga FTW!

A good friend took me to a Yoga class tonight. Real, straight up yoga. I was a little anxious about it because I am not very flexible, but my fears subsided as soon as I walked into the room. It must have been the best thing I've done for myself in ages. I am really energized and feel great. All of my body and mind is in harmony, and this was just my first time! This is something I will be doing regularly from now on. Everyone, do yoga!