Wednesday, August 15, 2007

On the increasing polarization of concsiousness

I've spent the past three days gathering video berries to ultimately be triggered for VJing. The whole process lead me to think about our intentions in interacting with the environment and how we seek out new things. I then related that to the trends in consciousness in our modern culture. The trend is that of a polarization in information consumption. In this day we have the ability to quickly find almost any information that the human race has collected. However, a large segment of our population has not moved into the paradigm of self-paced information consumption. Many people still rely on Television or print media as their main source of information consumption. This is being force-fed. The term 'waking up' that is being used in alternative culture implies to break free of the mass-consumption information streams, to stop being spoon-fed information from sources outside of ones unique intentions, and to actively search for information on an alternate path.
So, what we have now is people who are on the mass consumption path, and the people who are on alternate paths of information consumption, paths that are scouted out by one's own intentions. This polarization is becoming increasingly evident. For instance, a good blogger aquires their content not from the mass sources, but from independently-motivated searching and gathering.
As a society we can now search for any term that interests us and tune into any stream of information in order to create our own unique space of feeling and understanding. The question is, do you take advantage of that ability, and how far down the rabbit hole do you go? Those answers determine the side of the consciousness pole on which you sit.

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