Sunday, August 12, 2007

The wave of consciousness coherence

I dont know how everything is happening, but my actions have been speaking only of love, and so far it is working. In my experience, It is possible to turn any unwanted situation around with a good dose of love, and with love any dream is made possible. Love all as if all are perfect beings.
It is easy for me to say these things right now because I am in love, a chemical reaction that saturates me. Its one of those feeelings that really is inexpressible.
Why is the feeling so powerful right now, after such a strange past few weeks? A week ago I was saying I no longer have a girlfriend. I took days to accept it and be satisfied with that reality, and then it all changed. My heart opened back up, wider than ever. I turned one of the worst situations I could feel into something full of growth and ecstatic moment. Two weeks ago I was convinced the world was going to hell. Now I feel like everything bright is flourishing and working out the way it is meant to be.
In strange days we live. Such a wave of chaotic and synchronic events.

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